The quest to find the perfect cure for nail fungus has in its path countless home remedies recommended for these embarrassing infections. If you are currently in a battle against onychomycosis, you may have heard about the use of vinegar for nail fungus. But, do you know exactly how it works, and how it should be prepared and used?
Vinegar is a low cost treatment for nail fungus, you can easily find it on most houses. There are different types of vinegar, and not all of them have been reported effective to battle nail fungus infections, these vinegar nail fungus treatments must be done daily, you shouldn't avoid a single day. This only gives more opportunity to the fungus to spread again and again. Two of the vinegars are the most known:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is very interesting. It has been proven to work not only for nail fungus but to other problems such as obesity, bad digestion, bad skin, and toxins. One way to use apple cider vinegar is to drink a small glass or "shot" every morning and night. Make it an habit, never skip a drink or the fungus may be back.
The other way is to soak your feet in a solution half warm water and half vinegar. This must be done also everyday for 30 minutes or so. It works fine with general feet fungus, but it is a little harder for nail fungus. A combination of these two methods may or may not work better.
White Vinegar
The use of white vinegar is much more simple. It involves putting a few drops of distilled white vinegar on your nails, at morning, night, and each time you take a shower. Then it is advisable to follow the same directions of apple cider vinegar to soak your feet or hands.
The vinegar nail fungus treatment is not entirely recommended by doctors, because it belongs to what is called home remedies or traditional treatments. However, I've seen it work myself, and there should be no reason not to try it. In any case you must consult a doctor first, just to be sure it won't have any side effect on you.
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