Toe nail fungus is a condition suffered by nearly 35 million people in the US alone. Since nail fungus can become painful, it is therefore important to treat the problem as soon as its signs and symptoms are detected. Once it reaches under the nail, it can be very hard to contain, and if left untreated, it will lead to more complications. Fortunately, there are many toe nail fungus cure options out there. One has to identify that he has toe nail fungus and begin to look for treatment options.
Onychomyscosis, most commonly known as nail fungus can infect the fingernails as well as a person's toenails. These fungi are parasitic and they do not need sunlight in order to survive. They thrive in places where it is moist, such as showers, bathrooms or locker rooms where people usually walk barefoot. It can be also transmitted through sharing nail clippers and files. Susceptibility to nail fungus can be increased through wound on the nail, wearing tight footwear, or a weakened immune system.
A nail fungus infection can be easily detected. Symptoms include:
1. The toenail may develop into a yellowish or brownish color. It may also turn black or have little white patches all over.
2. Your toenails will emit a foul smell.
3. Discomfort on the toenail, causing pain when walking.
4. The nails can easily flake off or chip off.
Once you have these symptoms, consult a medical professional immediately so that he/she can recommend a toe nail fungus cure. There are quite a lot of good options out there, but there are only a few that work well and fast. Most people often try to do their treatment at home. Using vinegar, rubbing alcohol, or bleach are the most common do-it-yourself treatments that don't work in most cases. The time wasted in trying these remedies will buy some time for the nail fungus to grow and worsen the infection. These are the best treatment options available:
1. You can be prescribed with medication such as Sporanox and Lamisil. But there are very adverse side effects that come with these medications. The FDA has issued a public health advisory warning that there is evidence that these medicines can cause congestive heart failure, liver failure, or worse, death.
2. Although met with varying results, Vicks, Listerine, Epsom salts, and hydrogen peroxide are also other options for a toe nail fungus cure. You do put yourself at a risk of worsening it if doesn't work.
3. Of course, you can also opt for natural treatments. They don't have these adverse side effects since they contain natural ingredients. One of the best of these treatments is Zetaclear. It contains Jojoba oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil and clove oil, which are proven to be very effective anti-fungal and soothing remedies for fungal infections. They are giving an unconditional 30 day guarantee, which means a lot about their confidence in their product. Whichever toe nail fungus cure option you choose, please consult a doctor immediately when you discover you have toe nail fungus. The sooner it is treated, the sooner it will be gone.
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