Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant, painful and itchy problem for so many people around the world. There are several easy to cure hemorrhoids, which can be performed at home to resolve this problem.
• Some home treatments, how to cure hemorrhoids are applied:
a. Aloe Vera is believed to provide help for hemorrhoids. On Aloe Vera on the affected area Put several times per day. These reduce the swelling and to remedy this.
b. Apple cider vinegar is like the aloe verato give as a relief, hemorrhoids. The organic apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy. Just immerse a cotton ball in cider vinegar and rub it directly to hemorrhoids to saturate one or two times a day, the surrounding area.
The cider vinegar can bring about a rash, so rub some aloe vera to the area after the application of vinegar.
• Hard stools that are forced by the rectum, fainting from exertion can cause hemorrhoids. So, the inclusion of the fiber to thethe diet by eating lots of vegetables and fruit can keep the stool soft and to avoid exertion. Too much water is a must, as this will help smooth and prepare for the chair. In addition, there are of course stool medications that can help.
• Almost everyone is sitting on the toilet with his feet razed to the ground. This position could lead to a bend or curve in the large intestine, the tension. To fix this, place your feet on a stool, that at least six inches high. This will alignthe large intestine and help in the healing of hemorrhoids.
• Over the counter preparations such as creams or suppositories to be in the next local drugstores also available. Many guarantees relieve inflammation and itching and it can be applied at home to cure hemorrhoids.
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