Athlete's foot is a common fungal infection, which itches especially the middle portions of the toes, the fourth and fifth toes, web, and the skin is sore, cracking and peeling away.
These frequently occurring condition causes itchy skin, peeling skin on the feet. In fact it is so common that most people have at least one episode at least once in their lives. This irritation occurs less frequently in women and children under 12 years. As the fungus grows well inwarm and humid areas, they thrive in and around swimming pools, showers and changing rooms. Tinea Pedis got its name because the infection was a regular a fixture among the athletes who often used these areas.
Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and E. floccosum, the fungi that cause athlete's foot, are unusual types, since they live exclusively on dead tissue of the hair, the outer layer of skin and nails. The fungus grows best in moist, damp, dark places withpoor ventilation.
The problem does not occur among people who usually go barefoot. Although this irritation responds well to over-the-counter treatments that you can not just be safe, which can cause allergies and other skin reactions of these drugs. Most people with this irritating condition go for the natural cures and remedies, and under the people's resources can be found below:
* Tea tree oil - Tea tree oil is an effective treatment for skin problems, the bacteria and areFungal infections, because strong anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. The best results are achieved by applying a few drops of tea tree oil on the affected area, at least four times per day. To completely eliminate this problem, try the treatment for another 2 to 4 weeks, continued after the allergy clearing.
* Tea - The tea is also a potent treatment method. Use a quart of boiling water, six tea bags and enjoy your feet in it for 30 to 60 minutes. TheTannic acid in tea kills the fungus and soothes the pain and itching sensation on the skin.
* Natural apple cider vinegar - apple cider vinegar s an effective cure for athlete's foot and other itchy skin disorders. To use, you have it on the infected skin to dry, and pour the vinegar. Rinse skin with water and then dry it thoroughly to get rid contribute to athlete's foot, and this has to be carried out continuously.
* Baking soda - Pour on sodathe affected feet between the toes and helps to dry the area of the shower and wicks moisture from the skin. It is recommended that the powder with baking soda every day until the infection has disappeared, and continue to do for at least one months later.
Most people who regularly experience really itchy scalp and skin. Itching of the skin can be very unpleasant and can be extremely unfortunate for the sufferers, but can be many types of itchy skin, achieved with simple means. Thereis a wide range of reasons why the scalp or skin becomes irritated. Before someone wants to start their own methods of treatment, it would be better to first try to go to a dermatologist for advice before you.
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