If you are trying to get rid of the embarrassment associated with toenail fungus, then home remedies will do the trick for you. They can help you recover from the dreadful fungus. Home remedies have been in use for many reasons. They are safe, cost effective and also productive. Let's have a look at some of the most effective home remedies out there.
Oregano oil
Oregano oil can be extracted easily from oregano leaves. One needs to collect at least one teaspoon of this oil. Using a cotton ball, apply this oil on the affected body part. It works best when used twice or thrice a day. Remember, oregano oil is never used for cooking purpose. One needs to be cautious while using this oil as excess oil can harm your skin. Also, pregnant women should be using this oil only after doctor's recommendation.
Tea tree oil
The tea tree oil contains natural antiseptic properties which can fight this infection effectively. One needs to mix tea tree oil with a few drops of olive oil, and apply it over the affected area. Continue this treatment, until the fungus disappears.
Hydrogen Peroxide (3%)
This solution can be obtained from a nearby pharmacy store. One needs to soak their toenails in the solution for nearly 20 minutes twice a day. If you think that the solution is very harsh on your skin, then you may consider adding water to the solution.
Toenail fungus can occur due to various reasons. If your feet are damp for an extended period of time, if you are using the same shoes for a long period without allowing your feet to dry or if you are cutting your nails very close to the skin then this may invite the arrival of fungus.
The above mentioned home remedies will help resolve the problem effectively.
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