By getting to know that your toe has been infected with the toe nail fungus can be very depressing. The fungus not only makes your toe nails look awful but also can create a lot of physical disturbances. The pain is not just one thing that happens when the fungus infects the nails but also walking can also become a trouble owing to the pressure exerted on the nail bed while walking. There are many reasons how a fungus causes the infection. The source of the infection may be a great question. If we sit and analyse the root cause of the toe nail infection, the answers are various.
First and foremost, the physical contact of the skin with the fungus is the primary cause of the infection. Now again a genuine question might arise as how can the physical contact happen? The answer for this question can arise from many local areas. The toe nail fungus like any other fungi loves the damp and dark areas to strive. When we analyse, there are a lot of damp and dark areas in our own body like the crevices of the finger nails, toe fingers etc. These areas when kept moist, the fungus ideally fits here.
Walking bare foot on the road is one of the major causes for the physical contact of the fungus. The infected public places are the major source of infection. When you share a common public baths, public pools and public showers, common lockers etc the fungi can conveniently relocate its place to your body. Being in close contact with a lot of sweats either from you or from your neighbour also spreads the infection.
As said earlier, keeping the foot dirty with a lot of wetness and slur makes the feet susceptible to infections. Not just the public areas but other areas like saloons can also spread the infection. Using the same nail clips that were used for the infected person, emery boards and other nail tools with out sterilisation can easily help to disseminate the infection from the tools to your feet and nails. Not just this but also if you have small cuts or wounds near the nails tissues or in the nail bed, it also serves as an welcoming note for the fungi. Not to mention about the immune system! A weak immune system is a boon to all the infectious agents.
Wearing tight shoes or sandals can create a lot of sweat and dampness in the feet. Due to the unclean conditions, even if one fungus happens to reside in the shoes, now it becomes very easy for them to multiply and grow in the shoes and thus create entry in to the nails and toes. Even wearing tight socks can also create the same problem. It is there fore understandable that clean foot and clean foot wear can greatly help to reduce infection.
Even after applying the topical ointments the results may not be very fast owing to the in penetration of the ointments in to the nail bed. In a nut shell, when the root cause of the infection is found out, it is easy to terminate further infection and cure the existing infections.
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